It is said that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. Especially when it comes to your home, the outside can help make or break a potential buyer’s interest. Whether you are prepping your home to sell or just want to make sure it looks good in the neighborhood, there are many ways to increase your home’s curb appeal.

If you want to give your home’s exterior a facelift, here are some ideas to get you started. From minor adjustments to more extensive renovations, here are some tips to help you revamp the outside of your home.

Here are a few tips to help you get started!

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1. Create Curb Appeal with Landscaping

A well-manicured lawn and attractive landscaping can greatly boost your home’s exterior. Metrop suggests adding in plants, shrubs, flowers, or trees to help create a sense of visual interest and frame the home in an attractive way. This simple change will make your house stand out from the rest. The young trees will grow and, in time, create a natural tunnel effect and provide shade. However, many people prefer to remove the old trees and plants that are too overgrown or have died out. This will make room for modern plants, flowers, and shrubs.

But trying it out yourself is not suggested, as it’s best to use a professional who can offer advice and help you create an attractive landscape design. We recommend Tree Surgery by Ricky Vincent for their expertise and quality work. They are the number one choice for a tree demolition or pruning project. But this doesn’t mean you don’t have to put any effort into yourself. For example, you can ensure your garden is well-maintained by mowing lawns, removing weeds, and trimming shrubs.

2. Add Decorative Elements to your Home’s Exterior

Now that the landscape is taken care of, it’s time to decorate your home’s exterior with a few
decorative elements. This could include adding a new mailbox, hanging decorative flags and banners, or installing outdoor lighting. A stylish door knocker or a unique-shaped doormat can help to add a bit of character to your home. You could also consider installing new house numbers or painting the trim around windows and doors. All these small changes can make a huge difference in your home’s appearance.

3. Update House Numbers, Mailboxes, and Lighting

Updating your house numbers, mailboxes, and lighting can also make a big impact. An old mailbox or dated house number might be enough to put off a potential buyer. New, modern light fixtures can also help make your home more inviting and stylish. Once again, if you don’t feel confident doing this yourself, a professional contractor can help you select and install the pieces. And don’t forget to check and see if your mailbox is still in good condition – if it’s not, consider replacing it or giving it a fresh coat of paint.

4. Paint or Refinish Your Front Door

A coat of paint or a fresh refinishing job can make your front door look brand-new. This could be a
great time to experiment with a bright new color or a trendy pattern. If you are still hesitant to
commit to one particular color, you can always start by painting the door trim first. Then, once
you’ve found the shade you like best, move on to painting the entire door. However, if you don’t
want to paint the entire door, or if it is already in good condition, you can refinish it instead. This
involves removing any scratches and dings, sanding them down, and applying a clear coat of sealant.

5. Clean and Repair the Exterior of your Home

You’ve probably heard the saying, “cleanliness is next to godliness.” Well, this principle applies to the exterior of your home too. To boost the appeal of your house, make sure to keep it clean and in good repair. Check for any cracks in the siding, damaged roof tiles, or loose gutters. If you’re unsure how to do it yourself, consider hiring a professional contractor to help you identify potential problems and make the necessary repairs.

6. Add a Few Outdoor Accents

As you make your home look pretty from the outside, don’t forget to add a few outdoor accents.
This could include outdoor furniture or a decorative fountain, for example. If you want to make your outdoor space more welcoming and inviting, then adding a few chairs or benches is a great way to do it. Additionally, you can hang a few strings of lights or include some colorful decorative elements like potted plants and wind chimes. You could even install a bird feeder or a hammock to encourage more wildlife into your garden. The possibilities are endless.

7. Create an Outdoor Entertaining Space

Do you want to make your outdoor space even more inviting? Consider creating an entertaining
outdoor area for your friends and family. Add a few comfortable chairs, a barbecue grill, and a small fire pit. This space can host evening gatherings or just relax with your loved ones. You could also add some outdoor speakers, an outdoor TV, or a Jacuzzi to your entertaining area. By creating an inviting outdoor space, you’ll be sure to impress potential buyers and add value to your home.

6. Install New Shutters, awnings, and other Window Treatments

As a final touch, consider adding window treatments to the exterior of your house. Shutters and
awnings can be a great way to add color, character, and protection to your home. Many styles are
available, so find something that complements your house's architecture and design.

Shutters and awnings don’t just make your house look better; they also protect it from the elements. If you’re lucky enough to live in a place with a lot of sunshine, window treatments can help keep your home cooler and reduce energy costs. However, if you don't feel confident choosing and installing the treatments yourself, a professional contractor can help. And don't forget to choose colors and materials that will be easy to maintain.

Bonus Tip: Take before and after pictures to show off your work!


No matter the size of your home, there are many ways to improve its curb appeal. Start small and
work your way up to larger projects. With a little love and attention, you can make your home stand out and create a great first impression. We hope these tips help you start enhancing your home exterior. Have fun and happy sprucing!