Tiny House Septic System: The Ultimate Setup Guide

Building a Tiny House Septic system may look daunting, but we’ve got you covered. Though tiny house laws differ from state to state, one of the common requirements connected to water use is a bathroom with a flushing toilet. Keep reading to learn about tiny house septic system.

Tiny House Septic System: Overview

People tend to join the tiny house movement because of the portability of tiny houses and the simple lifestyle. However, when it gets to the thought of drainage in a tiny house, they get confused. And that’s where a septic system comes to play.

A septic system is an underground sedimentation chamber for wastewater, here there is a mixture of nature and technology to treat the waste produced in tiny homes. The septic tank can be made of glass, concrete, and even plastic. However, it must not be made of wood to avoid a situation where you’d have a termite infestation that would require you get Skill Termite Exterminator involved.

A septic system is a good choice for drainage. With an effective septic system, the ground absorbs waste water while holding the solid waste in its chambers, so the solid waste can break down and decomposes first. Thus, making use of natural processes and technology.

How Does Septic System Work In A Tiny House

Though septic System is used more in remote areas, urban places allow access to sewer points. A septic system is made up of two parts- the septic tank and the drain field. This system is set with drainage pipes set up around your house, to lead the waste underneath your home.

The waste pipes are connected to a septic tank and it separates the floatable wastes like solids, oil, and grease in the wastewater. These floatable wastes remain in the septic tank, where the bacteria in the tank break down and discompose the floatable wastes, while the liquid waste is separated and drained out.

The liquid passes through a series of pipes in the drain field before it is released into the surface water or soil.

Factors That Affect the Size Of Septic Tank You Will Need

1. Number of Bedrooms and Occupants

The number of bedrooms can relate to the number of occupants in the tiny home. You have to check how many people will be living in the tiny house first because the more people you have living in the tiny house, the more water will be flowing through your system.

2. Water Usage

It also depends on your water usage. Some tiny homes use less water than others. Check your water usage and what size you think will fit your home.

3. Size of the Tiny House

Though it is a tiny house, sizes differ. So check the size of your tiny house, including the number of sinks installed, bathroom, toilet, etc.

4. Zoning Regulations

Zoning regulations differ from state to state. Some states put minimum requirements on tank sizes. You have to check your local building department to know if your county has specific regulations on septic tank size.

ALSO READ: Tiny House Plumbing: The Ultimate Guide

Size of Septic Tank Suitable For Your Tiny House

After considering the factors above, you are still confused about what size to go for. Check out these general rules.

  • If you make use of fewer than 500 gallons a day, you will need a 900-gallon septic tank.
  • If you make use of fewer than 700 gallons a day, you will need a 1200-gallon septic tank.
  • If you make use of fewer than 900 gallons a day, you will need a 1500-gallon septic tank.
  • If you make use of fewer than 1250 gallons a day, you will need a 1900-gallon septic tank.

If you are not sure about your water intake, you can estimate it using the bedrooms:

  • A 1-2 bedroom house will often require a 750-gallon septic tank.
  • A 3-bedroom house will often require a 1000-gallon septic tank.
  • A 4-bedroom house will often require a 1200-gallon septic tank.
  • A 5-6 bedroom house will often require a 1500-gallon septic tank.

Contacting an installation specialist in your county will also help you get the right information about the septic tank that is suitable for your tiny house and won’t go against the zoning regulations.

Tiny House Septic System

What Type of Septic Tank Should You Purchase?

Septic tanks come in different types of materials, so you have several options to choose from. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. Buying a particular one depends on your budget and its durability. Septic tank cost about $1000 and higher.

#1. Plastic

This type of septic tank is lightweight and durable. They tend to be cheaper than other options for septic tanks. However, due to their lightweight, they may be difficult to install because if you are not careful they may get damaged.

#2. Concrete

Concrete septic tanks tend to be very durable. It can last for a very long time but note that it would be heavy and if you are moving, it will occupy space and may not be so easy. However, if it cracks, the wastewater will leak out and the groundwater will get into the septic tank causing problems.

3. Steel

This type of septic tank is quite durable. The lifespan is about 20 years. But there are chances of it getting rust. The price will be about $1000.

#4. Fiberglass

The fiberglass septic tank is another good option. It is lightweight and easy to install. This type is also durable but can cost up to &1600. Sometimes they are likely to move as the soil moves and settles because of their lightweight.

#5. Aerobic

This type of septic tank is three times more expensive than other types of septic tanks. They use electricity and are more effective. They also require a smaller drain field which can be good for small houses. The Aerobic septic tank requires more maintenance for its durability.

RELATED: Tiny House Bathroom Plumbing: Everything You Need To Know

Tiny House Septic System: Conclusion

The septic system is an effective choice for drainage. You just have to check the size of the tiny house, the occupants, your water usage, and zoning regulations for you to choose the one that will suit your home.

Also, don’t forget to look out for the durability of any septic tank you are going for, you don’t want to waste your money on something that wouldn’t be worth it. However, contact an installation specialist if you are confused about anything and need more information.

PAY ATTENTIONRead more about building a Tiny Home or go back to Homepage.

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