According to Yahoo Finance, the average cost of obtaining a 3 bedroom Tiny House would set you back about $50,000 to $80,000. Keep reading to go into further details.

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A 3-bedroom tiny house typically combines the compact size of a tiny house with three separate bedrooms. It’s a design that maximizes space efficiency to accommodate a small family or group. These houses often have innovative storage solutions and multi-functional furniture to make the most of the available space. If you have specific questions or need more information about 3-bedroom tiny houses, feel free to ask!

Before we get to the juice of the story, which is the reason why you are all here, let’s answer a few of the Frequently Asked Questions some interested searchers have posed on Google:

How many rooms can you have in a tiny house?

By design, most Tiny houses come with one room, max two rooms if you’re feeling adventurous.

Nevertheless, a Tiny Home can have up to 3 bedrooms if you so will it. It all comes down to cost in the end as well as how it fits in with the overall design of the property.

Can Tiny Houses have 3 bedrooms?

Yes, a Tiny house can indeed have 3 bedrooms. In fact, we’ve seen rare cases where 4 bedrooms was a reality.

In principle, a Tiny House is typically between 100 and 400 square feet in total area covered.

Once you start considering making it a 3 bed, you have no choice but to push this dimensions to about 1,000 square feet.

But hey! There’s no hard and fast rule to it. You get to decide what exactly you want to do with your house.

Cost of 3 bedroom house in the United States

3 Bedroom Tiny House Cost

According to Yahoo Finance, the average cost of obtaining a standard 3 bedroom house can range between $91,000 and $600,000 depending on what part of the US you’re considering.

With this in mind, it would certainly help to know just how much one would need to spend to acquire the same quantity of rooms but for a Tiny House instead.

This brings us to the bone of contention.

Cost of 3 bedroom Tiny House

After extensive research on the matter, we came to the conclusion that the cost of a 3 bedroom Tiny Home would set you back about $50,000 to $80,000.

Not bad, right?

This is the reason why we first of all presented the price for a standard 3 bedroom, so you could compare prices.

It’s no wonder why thousands of Americans are opting to live their massive apartments and houses in favor of the cheaper, less cumbersome, Tiny life adventure.

The only reason why the average price tappers towards Eighty Grand is because with more bedrooms added, more resources such as extra bathrooms, extra storage and other amenities would need to be added in order to cater to the increased headcount.

3 bedroom tiny house for sale

If you’re wondering where to buy a 3 bedroom Tiny House? Whether you’re looking for a 3 bedroom Tiny Home on wheels or just a standard model, the best place to buy is to look for Tiny House development companies near you.

However, it’s important to note that despite the price estimate we gave above, choosing to work with a company that will develop one for you can be a whole different story as far as prices are concerned.

Depending on the finishing, this estimate can swell to as much as over $100,000. We’ve even seen some Real Estate development companies charge this $100,000 as the starting price!

In all your doings, count the cost of using a Tiny Home Real Estate development company versus actually building it yourself (if you can).

Our channel here goes in-depth in explaining how you can build your own dream Tiny House.

3 bedroom tiny house on Wheels for sale

While this might look like the more practicable option – being that you get to take the house from place to place – a 3 bedroom Tiny house on wheels may prove costlier to buy.

This is because the builders would need to factor in the cost of the wheel structure as well as the house itself in your overall price estimate.

To find one for sale near you, simply search online for Tiny House development companies near you.

3 bedroom Tiny House Plans

Searching for 3 bedroom Tiny House building plans to boost your inspiration? We have a few we’ve specially selected for your viewing.

Regardless of the plans we’ve highlighted below, it’s important to note that you can virtually use any regular 3 bedroom house plan to build your Tiny home.

Really. You can.

The only thing (at least the major thing) that sets these types of houses apart from their counterparts is the size and arrangement of each room.

You’ll notice the dimensions of each room in the plans are pretty small…such is the Tiny living.

Plan #1

You don’t have to follow the plans to the letter. It’s your house to do as you will.

For instance, this plan above has a considerably bigger Master Bedroom. To create room for more space, you can simply reduce the size of this room and make all rooms with the same dimensions.

Plan #2

Same as Plan #1, this plan above spots a large sitting room which can be trimmed down. There really is no need for all the extras like a dinning area, laundry or storage room.

Plan #3

3 Bedroom Tiny House Cost

In the 3 bedroom Tiny House plan above, the Architect has shrunk down the overall size of the house to feature just one bathroom.

Now this might not work for everyone due to the limitations (and discomfort) that comes with 3 bedrooms sharing one bathroom.

In such a situation, it’s possible to adjust the plan to include at least one extra bathroom.


I hope you were able to find what you were looking for.

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PAY ATTENTION: Read more about building a Tiny Home or go back to Homepage.